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#TabooSmasher Spotlight: Elana Findlow, crossfitter

Elana Findlow, crossfitter

To Elana, fitness means being able to live life to the best of her ability. An expat of over 20 years and a grandmother of three, Elana has lived in New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, and Bali, Indonesia. Elana began her fitness journey after she turned 40. Today, she trains five times a week at her CrossFit gym with her sister, Liz Silcock. Elana has trekked the Inca Trail, hikes in Nepal and Bhutan, completed 10k runs in Southeast Asia, and a half marathon in the UK. She has also been a finalist in the Masters HQ CrossFit Competitions in Australia.

Where are you in your hormonal health journey?


What’s one word or phrase that comes to mind when you think of menopause?

No more periods. FREEDOM.

“Working out makes me feel good every day.”

Which menopause symptoms have you experienced?

I’ve experienced a lot of symptoms, including bloating, brain fog, irritated skin, hot flashes, irregular periods, mood changes, night sweats, sleep disruptions, and tingling extremities. I’m lucky to have had mild symptoms. In hindsight, they weren’t that bad (plus, brain fog is a great excuse when you screw up).

The insomnia was the worst for me. I tried a lot of things, but basically, I decided to stop fighting it. I would read a book and, if needed, take a power nap during the day.

We know menopause can be challenging, but it can also be funny, enlightening, liberating, energizing, and more. Do you have an anecdote or reflection that shows another side of menopause, beyond what we’re conditioned to “fear” as women?

It’s the best time of your life. Once you realize that it’s not as bad as being tied to monthly periods and your symptoms don’t require bags full of pads and tampons, you have a new lease on life.

“Getting older just keeps getting better. You lose your inhibitions and it doesn’t matter what people say.”

What helped you throughout your hormonal health journey (treatment, product, mantra, routine, friends, etc.)?

Working out makes me feel good every day. Especially, when it’s a really hard workout and you get that buzz that beats everything else.

Is there anything you wish your younger self would have known? Or do you have words of advice for women starting their journey?

Don’t worry about things, don’t read up too much and get expectations, and deal with things as they happen. Things may not be as bad as you expect them to be.

What didn’t we ask that you want the world to hear?

Getting older just keeps getting better. You lose your inhibitions and it doesn’t matter what people say. Family is the most important.